Questions and Answers
Q. How old can I be to be an ARMED Security Officer?
A. You must be 21 for Armed and 18 to be an Unarmed Security Officer.
Q. Do you travel to conduct training and where will you travel to?
A. Yes, we do travel, but only if the class is big enough to make it worth the trouble. We travel to NC and GA and of course SC.
Q. I have read everything in the training section and I don’t see a date for a class?
A. That is because we give you total control to pick your own date….go back and click on the link “reserving your seat” and this will explain it for you. We do post a class here and there but a lot of people cannot wait that long, this is why we created the “Private Class” section.
Q. I want a job but I don’t see a link or a way to apply?
A. If we are hiring, we will run an Ad on Indeed, FB and a few other social sites. To be honest, we will ALWAYS pull from our database 1st of the people who have been through our training. If we don’t get someone, then we will run Ads to find a qualified candidate.
Q. I want to get Certified so I can go do some side work?
A. Well…NO. You cannot get Certified without a Security Company Business License in SC or you must get Certified through a Security Company. A Security Company has to hire you and send your paperwork to SLED to get you Certified. Yes, you can take our training, but our training DOES NOT Certify you. We give you the proper certificates so you can get Certified by the company who hires you.
Q. I took your class and the company I applied to said the Certificates are useless?
A. They are WRONG for not explaining everything to you. Some Security Companies have their own Training Instructor and want you to be trained by them….that is their option. Most Security Companies in SC do not have an Instructor and would welcome your paperwork….but again, some companies have the right to make you take their training. So, for them to say the paperwork we gave you is “Useless” is a lie.
Q. I emailed you and you do not have a class scheduled?
A. We are a Security Company, we have clients to take care of as this is what we do.
We do announce classes for Training on FB and our Website when we catch a break and have time. HOWEVER, we do have “Private Classes” listed for each class we offer. This means, now, if you need a class and cannot wait until we schedule one, you are welcome to your very own class, click here http://www.scprivatesecurity.com/security-officer-training/.
Q. Where is your “Training Center”?
A. Most of our Training is conducted in Piedmont SC. Depending on the class size, we have a few locations that we use. You receive this information once you contact us and enroll in our class.
The exact location is described on our training page if you look further.
Q. I am Certified as a Security Officer in another state, can I just transfer my stuff to SC?
A. NO. You must take the required classes depending on Unarmed or Armed. You also DO NOT need to be a resident of SC to work as a South Carolina Security Officer as long as you work for a company that has a SC Security License.
Q. What is included in the classes as far as paperwork?
A. Most of the information is provided all through our training pages….but here it is in a nutshell.
If you are NOT employed by a Security Company? When you finish our class, you will get the Training Documents (like Certificates) to prove you have taken the class so when you apply for a job, the Security Company that you are interested in wont have to train you because you have the training already. They will do your finger prints, Photo, etc (if they hire you). You do not get Certified just by taking the class. The Security company will send all your information to SLED and SLED will decide if your background and Morale Compass is a good fit for the Security Industry.
If you are a Security Company that is sending us your Officers? The above statement is for you as well….BUT, you have the option to pay for us to do your Photo for SLED, Finger prints, Application, SLED Fees, etc…..but again, this is all an additional charge that can be discussed.
Q. Can I become Certified after I take the class?
A. Once you take the class, all your information is sent to SLED by the company who will be hiring you. They will decide upon your “Background Information” if you meet the standards and criteria to become a SLED Certified Security Officer.
Q. Are there books or lesson plans I can review to get a jump start?
A. The books are on SLED’s website BUT, we made it simple with the 2 books right here.
Q. Can I pay for the class on my own so that I can get trained as soon as I want to?
A. Yes, you can contact any authorized training center that offers SLED TRAINING. Again, once you finish the training, it does NOT mean you are Certified. You get Certified once a company hires you and sends the training documents (from us) and your application to SLED.
Q. What is the benefit of me doing the training on my own?
A. Here are 2 main reasons,
- If you already have your training completed, you can go to any Security company and apply for a job….having your training records in your hands may put you over the top of other candidates as NOW you are ready to work that day.
- Having your training completed already shows a company that you are a serious and qualified candidate.
Q. If I live out of state but live close to SC can I get SLED Certified?
A. Yes, as long as the company that hires you is a SLED Licensed Company.
Q. If I take the classes on my own, can I send the paperwork to SLED for my own SLED registration?
A. NO, the paperwork has to be submitted by a SC SLED Licensed Company.
Q. Can I take OC Spray or Tazer and get Certified to use on duty?
A. Yes, as long as you take the “Primary Basic AND “Primary Plus” class because it covers Use Of Force, hands on, Handcuffing, etc. This is the stuff you will need once you spray or Taze someone, you will have to go hands on to detain and or get control of things.
Q. The weapons qualification, what is involved?
A. You must score at least 80% meaning 40 out of 50 shots on target. Each Security company reserves the right to make you score higher to work for them….but SLED’s minimum is 80%. The actual range will vary as some instructors use open fields and others use indoor ranges. Some ranges wont let you draw from a holster and some will. SLED requires 15 yards max…..but again, each Security Company can make you go to 25 yards if they want.
Q. I work a bar as a Bouncer, what class do I need to become a Security Officer?
A. Primary Basic and Primary Plus. The reason is, if you are going to be escorting people off the property or going hands on to break up a fight…..you need the “Use of Force”, handcuffing, Detaining and stuff like that. If you are simply checking ID’s and do not engage AT ALL…then you can do the Primary Basic alone.
Q. I have been in a little trouble in the past, will this hurt me from becoming a SLED Certified Officer?
A. A little trouble? What you determine a little trouble and what SLED determines a little trouble will be the answer to this. A Felony will keep you from getting Certified. A misdemeanor? Well…a speeding ticket is a misdemeanor, so, depending on the charge and how long ago it was will be what SLED will take in to consideration when the review your background.
Q. I have a CWP in SC, will this help me get Certified?
A. Having your CWP has nothing to do with SLED Security. The only thing it will help with is that when it comes time to qualify with a weapon, you will most likely have no problem passing.
Q. I want to employ Security Officers, what do I do?
A. If you are going to hire, employ Security Officers, you must have a Security License through SLED. If you send people to training and you do not have a license, you have wasted your money because the paperwork needs a License Holder on it.
Q. If i take the classes can I go to work for a Security Company in SC?
A. Yes, but you cannot work Armed until you get your SLED Security card. You can work 30 days (Changed from 20 days) without your card as an Unarmed Security Officer.
Q. I don’t know what class I want to take?
A. We say if your not afraid to carry a weapon, get Certified with a weapon. The reason is simple. Most companies do not know if the next phone call they receive for a job will be for an “Unarmed” or “Armed” Officer. So, by you being Certified for everything, you become a better asset to the company hiring you….just our opinion.
Q. Once I complete the training what happens?
A. The first thing is, you have made yourself a better candidate to be hired by any SC Security company. So, when you are ready to pursue your new career, take your paperwork to the company you are looking to apply for a job with. They will ask you if you are “Certified”….you will tell them “I have completed all the required training”. If they hire you, they will prepare all your paperwork and send it to SLED. You will be able to work right away for 30 days on an Unarmed site until your “Armed Certification” is approved (If you applied for Armed). You are NOT considered a “Certified Security Officer” until you are “Certified” through SLED.
Q. What if I take the class and later SLED denies me because of my background?
A. This is not something we can control. However, SLED does have a system set up for you to “Appeal” their decision if you feel there was a wrong decision made.
Q. Do Security Officers make good money?
A. Since COVID, there has been a bump in hourly rates. Being an Armed Officer will get you the most money from any company….just FYI.
Q. How many Security Companies can I work for?
A. In South Carolina, you can work for as many as you want as long as you get Certified through each company.
Q. I am confused about SLED license, SLED Card, SLED Registration?
A. The SLED Security Card is what you get once you pass the background by SLED and they send you the Card that validates you are Certified. The SLED License is considered what the Security Company must get to perform Security work in SC. The SLED Security Registration is the language used that really means you are registering to become a SLED Certified Security Officer……but the Card is the actual proof!!
Q. What is the minimum class I have to take to become “Certified”?
A. The “Primary Basic” class is the bare minimum. This class is all about Observing and Reporting….no hands on, no handcuffing, etc. Again, you will not be “Certified” until a company hires you and submits your paperwork to SLED. Then upon review and background, SLED will determine your approval or not.
Q. I am starting a Security Business, does this class help me with my company?
A. Yes and No. Yes because if you plan on working your own sites as an Officer, you need the training to send to SLED so you too can be Certified to get your Security Card. No because other than providing you training records for the class you took, our company has nothing to do with getting your business license. We do offer services to help with business license paperwork and stuff for a fee.